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Vocabulary:   Vocabulary is the total number of words that make up a language. Numbers are defined as a symbol or word indicating a quantity or units. FRENCH: Know how to count Counting Writing English Pronunciation…

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Formal and Informal greetings are very important because it is the first way of communication between humans. FRENCH: Formal Greetings Words Pronounce English Q: Comment vous appelez-vous? coma-vu-zaplez-vu Q: What are you called? A: Je m’appele ___…

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Vocabulary:   Vocabulary is the total number of words that make up a language. Alphabet is the set of letters or symbols that make up all words. The French alphabet is constituted of 26 letters. • 6 Vowels (Voyelles): a,…

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HISTORY: Charles-Augustin de Coulomb, born in 1736 and died in 1806. He was a French physicist and inventor. Some of his work was focusing on developing Coulomb’s law. His work: Definition of the electrostatic force of…

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HISTORY: Michael Faraday, born in 1781 and died in 1867. He was an English chemist, physicist, and inventor. The concept of an electric field was introduced by him. Some of his work was focusing on diamagnetism(Diamagnetic materials create…

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WHAT IS KINETIC ENERGY? Kinetic energy is an energy that occurs when a body is in movement. Difference between POTENTIAL ENERGY and KINETIC ENERGY? Graphic explanation: What is WORK Done by Forces? Definition: The force…

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