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Mechanics: Understand Kinetic Energy
WHAT IS KINETIC ENERGY? Definition: Kinetic energy is the energy that occurs when a body is in movement. DIFFERENT TYPES OF KINETIC ENERGY? Electrical Kinetic Energy Radiant Kinetic Energy Thermal kinetic Energy Sound kinetic Energy Mechanical Kinetic Energy a) Electrical…
Mechanics: Newton’s Third Law of motion
HISTORY Sir Isaac Newton was an English mathematician, physicist, and astronaut. He is considered the founder of the classical mechanic. Some of his work was focusing on finding the nature of the white light, and…
Mechanics: Newton’s Second Law of motion
HISTORY: Sir Isaac Newton was an English mathematician, physicist, and astronaut. He is considered the founder of the classical mechanic. Some of his work was focusing on finding the nature of the white light, and…
Mechanics: Newton’s First Law of motion
HISTORY: Sir Isaac Newton was an English mathematician, physicist, and astronaut. He is considered the founder of the classical mechanic. Some of his work was focusing on finding the nature of the white light, and the…
Solving Trigonometry Functions
Definition: A trigonometry function is defined as a function with an angle. The angle is often called (theta noted ” x “) or ( phi noted ” φ “). Also, You should note that the…
Find and Solve Inverse Trigonometry Function
Definition: A trigonometry function is defined as a function with an angle. The angle is often called (theta noted ” θ “) or ( phi noted “ φ “). Also, You should note that the…